Our Events

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Past Events


Saturday May 18, 2024
Rob Tyminski
Immigration Experiences Within Clinical Practice: 
Exploring intergenerational trauma, the telling of incomplete stories and synchronicity

​Saturday March 2, 2024 

JPA Ethics Workshop with
Donald Kalsched, PhD, Jungian Analyst,


Saturday Oct 28, 2023 

Susan Schwartz, PhD, Jungian Analyst,
Jung, Narcissism and the ‘As-If’ Personality

October 1

30 Year Anniversary Celebration

Rays Boathouse

April 22

Dr. Fanny Brewster

The 21st Century Feminine:  Animus, Puella and Shadow. 

March 4

Dr. Sam Kimbles 

ETHICS – Working with cultural diversity as unseen processes and presences that exist in plain sight in the analytic context—Toward Cultural Competency

February 18 ​

Dr. Ann Belford Ulanov, M.Div, PhD, 
Jungian Analyst with the Jungian Psychoanalytic Association NYC

Projection, Its Many Forms – Part II, a webinar for clinicians.


October 29th​

Marla Herbig, MSW,  LICSW, Jungian Analyst,

Fear, Hate, and Hope: Neuroregulation and Self Care as a Clinician
Working with Clients in the Midst of War

October 1

Back to Basics: “In Defense of Dissociation and In Defense of Its Undoing.”

Presented by  Ann Ulanov

April  30   

Soul, Nature, and Our Different Personalities

(Reflections on the film, CrazyWise)

with the filmmaker Phil Borges and clinical reflections

by local Jungian Analyst, James Max Gossett, PhD.

​March 12, 2022  

Ethics Part II

The Soul of Suicide:  Suicidal Ideation as Ritual Process

Presented by  Torr Lindberg, MA

President of JPA Seattle

​February 26, 2022

Ethics Part I

The Soul of Suicide:  Suicidal Ideation as Ritual Process

Presented by  Torr Lindberg, MA


November 6, 2021
Therapeutic Approaches in Jungian Work with Alienated Young Men

Presented by Robert Tyminski, DMH, Jungian Analyst from the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco

October 23, 2021
The Absent Father Effect on Daughters: Father Desire, Father Wounds

Presented by Susan E. Schwartz, Ph.D., Jungian analyst,
New Mexico Society of Jungian Analysts/IAAP

April 10 and 24, 2021 

Jung and Astrology: Individuation and the Restoration of Collective Enchantment

Presented by Dan Keusal, LMFT

March 6

Ethics Part II
Bringing the Gods Together:  The Archetypal Healing Energies of Themis, The Goddess of Individuation, Justice, and Reconciliation 

Presented by Dawn Dixon, MSW, LICSW 

​February 20

Ethics Part 1
Counter-transference and the Racial Complex

Presented by Cathy Henschel-McGerry, MA, LMHC, LMFT and

Walter McGerry, MA, LMHC


​September 26

Ethics Part 2
Ethics and the Spirit of These Times
Presented by Laura Lewis Thayer, LMHC, EAMP, Jungian Analyst, ISAP Zurich

​June 20

Ethics Part 1
The Syzygy: The Relational Ethics of Levinas and Jung

Presented by Laura Gardener, MA, LMHC


​November 9

JPA Fall Workshop
Temenos:  Racial Complexes, Dreaming in Black and White and the Transference

Presented by Fanny Brewster, PhD, Jungian Analyst NYAAP

​April 27

JPA Spring Workshop
The Archetype of Number : Where Mind and Matter Meet; A Clinical View

Presented by Laura Lewis-Thayer, LMHC, EAMP
Jungian Analyst AGAP International

March 31

Ethical Considerations Along the Gender Continuum:

Transgender, Cisgender, The Binary, and Non-Binary

presented by Laura Gardner, LMHC

Metabolizing  Trauma:  Presence for Clients’ Trauma

Ann Blake, PhD, faculty Antioch


​October 6

Spirit of This Time / Spirit of the Depths: 
Clinical Considerations on The Ring Cycle by Richard Wagner

Presented by Frances Parks, PhD Jungian Analyst, C.G.Jung Institute Seattle

​April 28
Psyche and the Spirit of the Times

Patriarchal Predation in an Archetypal, Evolutionary Perspective:  Trump and Titanism

by Terrill Gibson, Ph.D., LMFT, LMHC, Jungian Analyst

​Extinction Anxiety in the Age of Trumpism

by Randy Morris, PhD, Professor Emeritus Antioch University, author

​Re-envisioning Power and Love in Our Time

by Elizabeth Clark-Stern, LMHC, playwright and author

March 3, 2018

Psychotherapeutic Ethics: Taking a Personal Approach to the Time of Deep Change

Presented by Ann Blake, Leland Shields, Susan Jenkins, Walter McGerry and Cathy Henschel-McGerry


​October 28, 2017

We-Consciousness: Treating Collective Trauma in the
Consulting Room and Beyond

Presented by Eberhard Riedel, PhD, DCSW, Jungian Analyst

April 29, 2017

Feminine Archetypes for the 21st Century
Presented by Elizabeth Clark-Stern, LMHC and Janet Tatum, MSW, Jungian Analyst

​Spring Ethics Workshop

March 18, 2017

Presented by David Hufford, LMHC, Jungian Analyst, C.G. Jung Institute Seattle


October 29th

“Understanding Suicide from a Jungian Perspective”
Presented by Torr Lindberg, MA, LMHC

May 7th

“The Body as Shadow: Working with the Somatic Unconscious”

Presented by Erica Lorentz

March 12th

“Ethics in Depth Work, Part II”
Led by Jungian Analyst Dunbar Carpenter, Psy.D.

JPA Salon

February 20
Hosted by Lindsey Rosen


Ethics workshop
“Ethics and Alchemy—The Rosarium and the Transformation of Love” 

Led by Portland Jungian Analyst Anna Lyons-Roost. 

​November 7th

“Healing Trauma—The Lost and Recovered Soul in Depth Psychology.” 

Presented by Donald Kalsched, Ph.D


November 1st

The Embodied Mind: Embracing Insights from Neurobiology in Clinical Practice.

Presented by Jungian Analyst Margaret Wilkinson


October 19

JPA 20th Anniversary Celebration “Approaching A Patient’s Complexes in Contemporary Culture”

Presented by John Beebe, Jungian Analyst


October 20, 2012

Seminar examining several of Jung’s classical texts which have been particularly important to the seminar leader: Two Essays on Analytical Psychology, General Aspects of Dream Psychology, Memories Dreams Reflections, and Man and His Symbols.

Presented by Thomas Kirsh


​Ethics Workshop “Ethics: From Shaman to Eunuch to Now: Evolution of Ethical Transitions”

with Carol Stanley, Ph.D.

Spring Workshop with Lee Roloff, Jungian Analyst. “Empathy and Compassion: Listening and Responding: Carl Jung, Carl Rogers”.

Spring Case Consultation

Seminar for Professionals .“The Liminal and the Luminescent: Analysis as Clinical Shapeshifting; Toward a Depth Changing of Individual and Global Alignments” 

with Terrill L. Gibson, Ph.D., Jungian Analyst

Fall Workshop: “Jungian Approaches to Couple’s and Relationship Counseling: A Panel and Community Exploration.” 
with Ann Blake, Leland Shields, Kyle Williams


Ethics Workshop Peter Nomides, MSW, and Leland Shields, MA. Suicide and Death with Dignity.

Spring Workshop with Ken Kimmels, MA, local Jungian Analyst. Eros and the Shattering Gaze. view event brochure

Spring Case Consultation

Seminar for Professionals with Sam Kimbles, Ph.D., Jungian Analyst. “Wounds of the Past, Tendrils of the Future Through the Lens of Cultural Complexes.”

Fall Workshop with Joe Rutte, Ph.D., local Jungian Analyst. Depth Psychology and Religion: An Emerging Relationship.


Ethics Workshop Jerry Smith, STD.

Spring Workshop with Pat Warming, Jungian Analyst.

Fall Workshop with Bev Osband, Ph.D., local analyst.

Seminar for Professionals with Margaret Wilkinson, Jungian Analyst: “Changing Minds: The Therapeutic Process.”


Ethics Workshop Terry Gibson, Ph.D., local Jungian Analyst, Towards a Planetary Ethos of Profession.

Spring Workshop with Marla Herbig, local Jungian Analyst: The Interactive Field in Psychotherapy: How Do We Recognize It, How Do We Use It?

Fall Workshop with Geri Grubbs, Ph.D., local Jungian Analyst.

Seminar for Professionals with Ann Ulanov, M.Div, Ph.D., L.H.D.: The Perils of Wholeness.


Ethics Workshop Ladson Hinton, MD: Shame, Consciousness and Conscience

Clinical Workshop with Eberhard Riedel, PhD: Fundamentalism and the Quest for the Grail: The Parzival Myth as a Postmodern Redemption Story

Clinical Workshop with Linda Leonard, PhD: The Call to Create

Seminar for Professionals with Allan Chinen, MD: The Tao of Story from Dracula to Bodhisattva.


Ethics Workshop with Theodore Dorpat, MD: Ethical Attitudes and Ethical Violations in Psychotherapy

Clinical Workshop with Alane Sauder-MacGuire: Re-visioning the Persona

Clinical Workshop with Michael Horne, MD: Elephants Painting? The Self as Illustrated in Contemporary Conceptual Art

Seminar for Professionals with Luigi Zoja, PhD: The Archetype of the Father, Past and Present: A Contemporary Role Clarification.


Ethics Workshop with David Hufford, MA: What’s Ethics Got to do with It?

​Clinical Workshop with Bill Willeford: Shadow as Benefactor

Clinical Workshop: with David Hufford, MA

Seminar for Professionals with John Bebee, MD: Styles of the Shadow: An Archetypal Tour with the Aid of Film.


Ethics Workshop with Ann DeVore

Clinical Workshop with Michael Horne, MD: The Universe of our Concern.

Seminar for Professionals with Sylvia Brinton Perera: Sacrifice to the Fire, Surrender to the Light: Dealing with Traumatic Stress.

Fall Workshop with Sylvia Perera: Rites of the Celtic Cult of Sacred Waters


Ethics Workshop with Ann DeVore, PhD

Clinical Workshop with JoAnn Culbert-Koehn, LCSW: Envy in the Interpersonal Field

Clinical Workshop with Valerie Hone, PhD: The Body in Analysis

Seminar for Professionals with Donald Kalsched: The Inner World of Trauma.


​Ethical Issues for Clinicians with Jess Groesbeck, MD

Clinical Workshop: Malignant Narcissism with JoAnn Culbert-Koehn, LCSW: Forces that Block Change

Seminar for Professionals with Polly Young-Eisendrath, PhD: What’s Love got to do with it: Transference and Transformation in Psychotherapy and Life. Her presentation was based on an article from her forthcoming book, Subject to Change: Jung, Gender and Subjectivity in Psychoanalysis. Routledge, 2003.


Clinical Workshop with Jean Kirsh and Tom Kirsh


Clinical Workshop with Polly Young-Eisendrath, PhD: Clinical Applications of Women and Desire

Clinical workshop with Anne DeVore, PhD: The Lineage of the Analyst

Clinical Workshop with Anne DeVore, PhD: To Know the Feminine

Seminar for Professionals with Maxine Anderson, MD and Ladson Hinton, MD: Dreams and Dreamers: Clinical and Theoretical Dimensions


Clinical Workshop with Corwin Fergus, MFA: Dreamwork in Therapy

Clinical Workshop with JoAnn Culbert-Koehn, LCSW: Infant States of Mind in Adult Patients

Seminar for Professionals with Michael Conforti, PhD: Patterning in the Psyche and the Natural World: An Archetypal Field Theory


Members’ Quarterly Meeting with Martha Mae Newell, MPS, BD: Sounding the Soul for Therapists

Clinical Workshop with Joan Chodorow, PhD: A New Look at Active Imagination

Members’ Quarterly Meeting with Martha Mae Newell, MS, BD: Psyche and Sound, Part II

Seminar for Professionals with Beverley Zabriske, MSW, CSW: Thawing the Frozen

Accidents: The Archetypal Dimension of Transference and Countertransference


​Meet the Analysts Series with Terrill L. Gibson, PhD: Ideas Toward an Erotic Jungian Psychology

Members’ Quarterly Meeting with Kimbrough Besheer, MDiv: Alchemical Colors

Clinical Workshop with Tom Richardson, PhD: Fear of Breakdown and the Search for a New Beginning

Clinical Workshop with Kimbrough Besheer, MDiv: Alchemical Colors

Clinical Workshop with Peter Elting, PhD: Shadow in Dreams


Members’ Quarterly Meeting with Kimbrough Besheer, MDiv: The Sweetness of Bitterness and he Alchemical Salt

Clinical Workshop with Thomas Kirsch, MD: Self-disclosure in the Analytic Process

Clinical Workshop with Ladson Hinton, MD: When Shame was a Teacher

Members’ Quarterly Meeting with Martha Mae Newell, MPS, BD: An Introduction to the Singer Loomis Type Deployment Inventory

Members’ Quarterly Meeting with Corwin Fergus, MFA: The Dream in Therapy

Meet the Analysts Series with Peter Elting, PhD: Alfred: Case Study


Clinical Workshop with Allan Chinen, MD & Karen Signell, PhD: Dramas from the Deep: Active Imagination and Fairy Tale Work for Psychotherapists

Meet the Analysts with Sally Parks, MA: Befriending Psyche’s Engagement with Character

Meet the Analysts Series with Janet Dallett, PhD: Depth Psychology’s Charlatan Shadow: An X-ray of a Failed Analysis

Meet the Analysts Series with Patricia Warming, MA, MDiv: Snake Images in Dreams

Clinical Workshop with Brian Feldman, PhD: Holding and Containing in Analytical Psychotherapy: A Developmental Jungian Approach to the Phenomenology of the Transference/Countertransference Relationship

Seminar for Professionals with Donald Sandner, MD: Jungian Psychotherapy as Antidote: What Analytical Psychology Offers for these Changing Times in Mental Health Care

Informal Seminar with Donald Sandner, MD: The Bipolar Split in Analytic Psychology and its Effect on Jungians throughout the World, Present and Future


Meet the Analysts Series with Kimbrough Besheer, MDiv: A Soul’s Departure: Reflections on an Analysis Ending in Death

Clinical Workshop with Tony Frey-Wehrlin, MD: Rebellion and Conformity

Meet the Analysts Series with Jess Groesbeck, MD: The Emergence of the Archetypal Image of the Shaman with Death and Rebirth Themes in the Analytic Treatment of a Severely Depressed Patient

Meet the Analysts Series with Martha Mae Newell, MPS, BD: The Psyche-Body Connection


​Clinical Workshop with Tony Frey: Conformity and Rebellion: How do Therapists Solve the Dilemma of Responding to the Client’s Soul and Meeting Professional Demands and Expectations?

Clinical Workshop with Kathrine Asper: Inner Home: The Robber Bridegroom Fairytale

Clinical Workshop with Mario Jacoby: Individuation and Narcissism

JPA Inaugural Meeting with John Beebe, MD: What I’ve Learned from Jung about Doing Psychotherapy

​Clinical Workshop with Ladson Hinton, MD: Individuation and Mid-life

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