JPA Salons are an opportunity to strengthen and deepen our community in a more intimate setting. We  invite you to share (and/or witness)
an offering around a theme that touches on the human experience in the natural world.
This Spring we invite you to contemplate
To feel the movement of life growing/ to revive, or make alive/ to stimulate, kindle, burn more intensely/hasten, accelerate/ shine more brightly, vivify…
What stirrings in your inner life, or the inner lives of your clients and/or the collective are you noticing more acutely this season?  What is asking/needing to be noticed in its growing reality?  Or revived?-  in you, humanity, our relationship to Nature?
Consider sharing your own creative musings through written or spoken word, song, movement, visual art, dream images, or a share from another’s work or clinical vignettes that have inspired or moved you.
RSVP to Lindsey Rosen –
If you are interested in sharing/presenting, please indicate the modality and length of time you would need.
Space is limited to 12 participants.
Queen Anne location.
Photo by Lindsey Rosen